Email marketing is effective for driving engagement, acquiring customers, making direct sales, and generating traffic. This makes it one of the most sought-after digital marketing techniques to help a growing business. It is just the right medium to talk to the right customers at the right time.

Despite the increase in the number of messengers and chat apps, globally, nearly 2/3rd of consumers preferred receiving brand updates and messages via email. This study cuts across age groups and gender. A neatly and contextually crafted email message can really work wonders for the brand in terms of open email rates and click-throughs.

Email marketing provides the brand an opportunity to engage with many content forms, from brand promotions, announcements, newsletters, promo alerts, and survey forms. Globally, more than 75% of B2B and 70% of B2C advertisers use email as a digital marketing channel. So, where do you see your brand in this highly competitive landscape?

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The Effective Medium for Effective Audience

It has been a puzzle for most of the marketers as to why email marketing is so talked about when there are social platforms to communicate, the numbers for which are growing by the day. But as per studies, over 40% of users globally still go through their emails for brand related promotions. We like to delve a little deeper into the importance of email marketing and where we can help your brand.


When we partner with a client for email marketing efforts, a slew of services is brought to the table with a view to cater to diverse email marketing related activities, thus helping the organisations realise the full potential of this powerful medium. Our bespoke email marketing services include:


A thorough audit of the email marketing practices is carried out by our team to analyze what works and the best practices are adopted for a successful implementation. The audit process includes:

  • Campaign & Template review
  • Technical review
  • Database review
  • Marketing programme review
  • Recommendations

    In the case of email marketing for e-commerce platforms, there's a lot beyond regular monthly email updates and regular campaigns. Automation has become important, and we are here to partner with you on such initiatives. Our services include:

  • Creating drip campaign sequences for ongoing      engagement & creating multi-step campaigns
  • Creating welcome series of emailers for      hand-holding audiences who have
         submitted lead forms
  • Creating campaigns to win back
         un-engaged audiences
  • Utilizing insights from the website to
         create highly targeted campaigns

    Our dedicated team takes care of regular brand updates, promotions to your audience via our newsletter services. We help you in the following domains:

  • Custom campaigns – From RSS feeds to      automation designed for funnel follow ups;
         we help in setting up the process
  • Templates – Create brand-specific      responsive templates which help in creating a      standardized brand identity for your customers
  • Promotions – Create content tailor-made for      your audience segments and win them over      with personalized promotional content

    As your foremost email marketing partner, we will design, develop, and deploy the contextual and appealing template. These would be in sync with brand elements and the expected UX. Our services include:

  • Creating a responsive and a clean
         code template design
  • ESP installation – recommended/
         legacy integration
  • Testing
  • Training on the custom templates
  • Ensuring compatibility with
         email templates

    As your partners, we offer to undertake a review of the ESP and recommend alternatives in case the business needs one to maximize ROI. Our services in this domain include:

  • Making the ESP transition smooth by providing      data migration and set-up services
  • Providing in-depth analysis of ESPs and      recommending the most suited ESP
  • Providing an audit report of the incumbent ESP

    Our approach is to collaborate with your team on an ongoing basis and work towards achieving long-term business profitability. Our email marketing management services include:

  • A comprehensive review of marketing goals
  • Coordination on assets in
         alignment with branding guidelines
  • Email campaign design and deployment
  • Maintenance of database list
  • Evaluation of campaign performance,       management, and optimization at all stages

    We at The ThinkSmiths have expertise in handling different ESPs to facilitate e-commerce email marketing. You can trust us with strategy and implementation at all stages of e-Com marketing. We help you set up the email marketing process with healthy automation built-in. Our services include:

  • ESP migration – Experience a smooth      migration of database, templates & campaigns      to the ESP of choice
  • Email strategy – A complete 360° holistic      strategy with campaign automation, discount      recommendation, and content approach
  • Automation – We bring to life our tools to      strategize workflows and automated      campaigns to encourage conversions
  • FAQs

    Frequently Asked Questions

    It is an important strategic digital marketing activity that helps in lead generation and conversion. Despite the influx of social platforms and tools, email marketing remains the undisputed choice when it comes to audience response and engagement. Globally, around 90% of B2B marketers and around 80% of B2C marketers use email marketing services to address their audiences.

    Stimulating and relevant content disseminated via email marketing route always contribute majorly towards influencing the purchase decision of the targeted audience. It aids them when they are actively seeking product information and solution to their requirement.

    It is the backbone of any email that triggers an action among the audience. Content that offers value to the audience in terms of promotions, discounts, brand updates, stimulating product information, testimonials, etc., definitely elicits a positive response.

    Segmenting your audience is a wonderful way to personalize email messages, considering the audience's interests and making the content more effective.

    Traditionally, two primary metrics used for measuring any email campaign are Open rate & Click-through rate. If emails are not being opened, your audience is not reading the full email message, and if they are opening but not clicking through to your site, the emails are not converting. Thus, writing an effective subject line with good content and call-to-action buttons plays a very vital role in achieving the desired outcomes.

    Automation helps in taking care of the leads and ease of follow-up triggered emails and drip campaigns. It helps to track the visitors and their activities right from the first time they interact with the campaign. It also helps to save time and money by automating several marketing tasks.

    Yes, it is useful for SMEs. Automation helps SMEs to save time and money and enables them to focus on other growth areas. It helps nurture the lead through the sales funnel.

    Join up with a digital marketing
    agency that creates growth

    We’re not just dreamers; we’re doers who specialize in crafting strategies that drive results. From planting the seeds of captivating content to nurturing your online presence with strategic campaigns, we’ll cultivate growth that goes beyond your expectations. Don’t settle for stagnant growth. Choose a partner that will fuel your brand’s success story. Join us and witness your business blossom into something extraordinary. The time to grow is now, and we’re here to make it happen. Together, let’s create a growth story that leaves your competition in the dust.

    Start now on
    your growth journey

    Whether you’re looking to expand your reach, boost conversions, or enhance customer engagement, our team of experts will guide you on this exciting journey. Seize the opportunity to ignite your growth strategy and take your business to new heights.

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