Search Engine Optimization



Did you ever imagine how major search engines like Google, Bing and others rank your website within their searches or ever realised how video contents and local listings are shown and ranked? This is the magic of search and it needs constant optimization. You are probably here due to one of the likely reasons:

  • Your website isn’t being found online in the first few listings
  • Your website traffic has gone down and you are still
    finding the reasons
  • Volume of incoming calls and leads have declined off late

SEO is just the way to resolve these issues and we have the best resources & capabilities to constantly partner with you on your SEO journey. SEO is constantly evolving, as Google updates its search algorithms and poses challenges to marketers. Thus, it is a constant endeavour to keep the search rankings high and implement SEO strategies effectively. We also keep pace with this dynamic world of search and constantly partner with your business to make it a rewarding one. 

Search Engine Optimization in Hyderabad

Solutions Crafted Just For You

We, at The ThinkSmiths adopt a multifaceted approach aligned with your business requirements and objectives, to deliver value. We help our clients build SEO strategies to maximize the impact of web content.


We Work Hard, Pry Smarter

We are a customer-focused digital marketing agency working close with our clients to achieve their page ranking objectives and improve their business efficiencies in the following ways.


After decoding the business brief, we identify your key performance indicators (KPIs), set performance metrics and perform extensive keyword research. This helps us in determining your company’s processes, site purpose and goals


Here, the strategy is put into action by optimising the web pages with the right and high performing keywords, thereby improving and managing your business listings. In this stage, we also implement Social Media Management (SMM) campaigns.


Once the research phase is done, we carry out a complete SEO audit which includes study of competition, site analytics, past traffic data, technical issues and link building strategies. This helps us in formulating the best SEO approach for your business.


In this phase, the whole performance metrics like keyword ranking, website traffic, conversions, click-through rates (CTR’s) and bounce rates are tracked to do a course correction if any, and further carry on with the best results.


The next stage is to come up with a detailed strategic marketing plan which includes your campaign goals, the forecasted results and estimated timeline. This helps us to ensure that the strategy delivers the expected outcomes.


Our team in a periodic manner reviews and submits your business’s SEO performance report and consults with you on the future road map, areas of improvement and the positives achieved. This helps in determining the further course of action and take the business to the next level.


Get the Search Habit

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Frequently Asked Questions

Search Engine Optimization is the technique (includes text, voice, video) used to increase the page visibility and ranking in search engine results. Take an example: Let’s say you run a restaurant in Gachibowli; and when someone searches in Google for “restaurants in Gachibowli”, your website should be visited in first few listings. Such is the power of SEO!

Search Engine Results Page are the pages that are displayed when a query is typed in. Each SERP is unique; in the sense that the results are based on user’s browsing history, geographical & social settings. SEO drives the process of getting your website to a higher rank on SERP.

Yes, it is very important for your business to build a strong online presence with daily searches running into billions on Google per day, device agnostic. SEO helps your business in gaining a competitive advantage.

SEO helps in boosting your business given that most of the people make their buying decisions online. Thus it is always a wise decision to invest time in SEO as it helps in building organic traffic without having to pay for every click.

At The ThinkSmiths, we offer our expertise (off-page & on-page) in the following search areas, based on the industry type, its nature & needs:

  • SEO Audit
  • New Website SEO Plan
  • Technical SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • Local SEO
  • International SEO
  • YouTube SEO
  • Ecommerce SEO

We, at The ThinkSmiths arrive at the correct search methodology and pick the right keywords by:

  • Understanding customer’s pain points
  • Carrying out a competitor’s research
  • Decoding long-tailed keywords
  • Monitoring results

The timeframe typically taken is around 14-20 weeks as we adopt fair practices that ensure good health of the website and does not hurt the business in long run. SEO is a continuous process which involves deep diving into the search volume data, understanding consumer behaviour and adapting to changing search algorithms.

It is not very uncommon to see this phenomenon, especially when you are not at the top half of the first page. It takes time for Google to stabilise in the initial 2-3 months, as it is based on the user’s location and search history. It is a cause of worry only when you notice a drastic change.


“No website can stand without a strong backbone. And that backbone is SEO.” - Neil Patel

“SEO is like a resume. You polish it so you have your best foot forward.” – Matt Cutts

“Effective Search Engine Optimization Requires a Commitment, Not a Campaign.” – James Reynolds

“SEO is an adventure where you need a lot of skills, both, technical and non-technical to survive.” — Deepanshu Gahlaut

“Crawling is not a guarantee you’re indexed” — Rand Fishkin

Join up with a digital marketing
agency that creates growth

We’re not just dreamers; we’re doers who specialize in crafting strategies that drive results. From planting the seeds of captivating content to nurturing your online presence with strategic campaigns, we’ll cultivate growth that goes beyond your expectations. Don’t settle for stagnant growth. Choose a partner that will fuel your brand’s success story. Join us and witness your business blossom into something extraordinary. The time to grow is now, and we’re here to make it happen. Together, let’s create a growth story that leaves your competition in the dust.

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your growth journey

Whether you’re looking to expand your reach, boost conversions, or enhance customer engagement, our team of experts will guide you on this exciting journey. Seize the opportunity to ignite your growth strategy and take your business to new heights.

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