
Do you know that more than half of the world uses social media these days with as many as 424 million new users within the last 12 months? Be it news, entertainment or just being connected with loved ones, it is all possible here.  So for all the concerned marketers like you, who want to connect with the audiences, look no further. It is here, where you can tell powerful stories to your audience and influence them. So, the million dollar question is, how to leverage this powerful media to your advantage?

We, at The ThinkSmiths guide you towards a strategic data centric approach to find your audience and build your community on social platforms. We back it up with relevant and compelling content to help you drive engagement and get your audiences to interact. We create crafted social media campaigns that uses both organic and paid means to achieve revenue and social media KPIs.

Social Media Marketing

Do it the Right Way

Now, between paid and organic, it is really important to know which channel is the right one for your brand. These channels work in tandem with each other to touch the right chords for your brand strategy on social media.

Social Media Marketing
Organic Social

Often called the owned media, allows the brand to create awareness, engage with the audience and respond to their queries/feedback. It is good for community building and building a content repository by being useful to the audience who are researching on your product category. Thus, populating relevant content also elevates the chances of showing up in search results.

Paid Social

Paid social also called the earned media is used to target specific audience and increase the reach of your social post which otherwise is restricted by the organic way. This is achieved by the placement of paid ads and messages. Paid social is used to drive leads to landing web pages and is recommended for targeting audiences interested in your product category.

While you might post relevant content and build a good content repository using the organic methods, it is always recommended to bring in an element of paid social, however small your budget might be, into your strategy as it helps the content to reach a wider targeted audience and thus leading to more successful conversions.

At The ThinkSmiths, we have the right blend of talent to drive your brand’s social conversations and conversions by strategizing and implementing both these channel mixes. As said earlier, in today’s world, it is imperative to utilise both these channels to achieve the overall social media objectives.


Get heard by the Crowd

We, at The ThinkSmiths adopt a clear understanding of the social platforms and their algorithms to effectively deliver marketing campaigns and boost your brand engagement/sales. We make each penny spent on the campaigns count by the way of our optimization process & MIS reports. So, when you think Social, think The ThinkSmiths!


We are a customer-focused and a goal-oriented digital marketing agency working closely with our clients to achieve their social media objectives and improve their audience engagement and sales funnel in the following ways.


This is the first step we undertake. After cracking the business brief, we carry out a complete research to understand and determine the right platforms to optimise and strengthen your brand presence on social media.


Here, the strategy is put into action by optimising the web pages with the right and high performing keywords, thereby improving and managing your business listings. In this stage, we also execute Social Media Management (SMM) campaigns.


We identify a few critical KPI benchmarks across platforms to gauge progress. We keep a tab on user profiles, engagement metrics, relevance of content, number of followers on each platform and conversion ROI


We work meticulously to accommodate all necessary tools and processes to track the conversations and conversions. We monitor important metrics such as (likes, shares and comments), impressions and click-through rates (for targeted social ads).


Once the audit is done, we then keep an eye on the industry trends and continuously explore new opportunities to keep your leads and conversions flowing. This is done by formulating the SMART objectives aligned with your marketing requirements.


We provide you with periodic mid-campaign and post campaign performance reviews and do course correction if needed. Traffic flow and sales conversions are also reported to check the effectiveness of the social media campaign.


Frequently Asked Questions

Social Media Marketing refers to the technique of harnessing the social media platforms to communicate and sell your product {s) by the way of organic posts and paid advertising.

There is no single platform that your brand can target. All the social platforms having a good reach, serving the targeting needs (B2B or B2C) and a lot of followers are the ones to go after and build your presence there. Most of the brands use multiple channels to talk to their audiences and build their community. Example – If yours is a B2B brand offering professional services, LinkedIn will be the platform for you. If yours is a B2C brand like travel, lifestyle, gizmos etc., social channels like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter might be relevant.

Taking into consideration that the reach on social media platforms in in billions alone, it becomes important for any business to market their brands/products on social media channels and get their audiences talking about them.

There are a lot of metrics by which one can measure the success of a social media campaign:

  1. Engagement rate
  2. Likes to a post
  3. Increase in number of followers
  4. Click to website
  5. Increase in positive sentiments
  6. Conversions

There is no hard & fast rule for specific content but it is a general advice to not overdo or oversell the brand on social platforms. Idea is to add value to your target audience, emotionally connect with them, communicate in their language and not be offensive on any of the platforms.

Social media definitely has a positive impact on search engine rankings. On the face of it, it does not seem like an overt impact, but at the back end, it really helps with regards to indexing your web pages. It is a good way of building backlinks quickly, as more the number of blogs and link related content you post on social media, the quicker the process is. Also, the current Google algorithm supports and gives a lot of weight to a brand’s social media presence & engagement.

Yes, you can create campaigns that are aimed at generating leads and sales conversions.  We help you create a healthy sales funnel by developing conversion led campaigns on social media.

Yes, once we get a complete brief on your brand including audience psychographics, we will curate the content and write specific posts catering to the audience.


“Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They’re keeping up with their friends and family, but they’re also building an image and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand. They’re connecting with the audience that they want to connect to. It’s almost a disadvantage if you’re not on it now.” --- Mark Zuckerberg

“Social Media is about the people! Not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.” --- Matt Goulart, Founder, Ignite Digital

“Don’t optimize for conversions, optimize for revenue.” – Neil Patel

“If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends.”- Jeff Bezos, CEO at

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agency that creates growth

We’re not just dreamers; we’re doers who specialize in crafting strategies that drive results. From planting the seeds of captivating content to nurturing your online presence with strategic campaigns, we’ll cultivate growth that goes beyond your expectations. Don’t settle for stagnant growth. Choose a partner that will fuel your brand’s success story. Join us and witness your business blossom into something extraordinary. The time to grow is now, and we’re here to make it happen. Together, let’s create a growth story that leaves your competition in the dust.

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Whether you’re looking to expand your reach, boost conversions, or enhance customer engagement, our team of experts will guide you on this exciting journey. Seize the opportunity to ignite your growth strategy and take your business to new heights.

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